Friday, November 9, 2012

Successful Cat Inventions

House cats these days really have it good. From the true love they get from their owners, to the freedom to walk around in the nighttime for a stroll in the neighborhood, cats are really becoming a dominant part of family households. Now, if you are looking to invent something to make the lives of cat owners and their cats easier then maybe you should study the techniques and steps that past inventors have taken.

Some famous inventions that have really made the lives of cats easier include, treats, premium cat food, and flea and tick medication, but a really big one is kitty litter. Kitty litter was invented by Ed Lowe, a salesman of sawdust, clay, and other absorbent products. One day he gave his neighbor some to use as an alternative to the ashes she was currently using and she loved it. Soon enough it turned into a multimillion dollar industry and is seen in every household that has a family cat. Lowe’s smart moves and awareness of what was needed is what truly made his invention a success. Another big cat and basically pet invention in general, is flea and tick medication. Invented by veterinarians in 1996, these vets looked at an issue that they were seeing a lot of in cats and animals in general and sought out to find a solution. With many over the counter drops today, cats are able to live healthier, happier, and cleaner lives.

For someone who is aspiring to invent something that change the way we take care of our cats, they’re going to need to do some research as to what is needed in the cat care industry. The more you research, the more you will find a pattern in these successful inventors’ pasts. They all looked at something that was crucially needed by more than one cat owners and based their invention off of solving a popular issue with cat owners. Say for instance, what is a big issue with people having cats in the house? The scratches and rips that are found on the furniture. Seeing this issue, cat scratchers were invented and have helped with the issue of cats scratching up all the furniture. People are drawn to inventions that’ll make their lives more convenient and easy and those are the things that become very popular. As long as you keep the people’s solutions to problems, needs and wants in mind developing a cat invention should be no problem.

  Do you have an idea for an invention?   

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