Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What People Want in a Toy Invention

Whether you have recently launched your very first toy into the market, or if you are thinking of developing a new toy you want to sell and marketing to a specific group of children, there are a few things to know about what people want in a toy invention that can help you to better understand how to go about successfully launching or selling the product and toy you have created. In order to determine what people want in a toy invention, it is first important to consider the use of the toy you have created along with the age group and gender that you are specifically looking to appeal to, as this will help you with all advertising and marketing plans once you begin to manufacture the toy regularly.


A major component to figuring out what people want in a toy invention is to determine if the toy idea you have in mind is useful and if it will benefit the child in any way. Benefiting the child does not necessarily mean the toy needs to be educational, but, will it keep the child's attention for long periods of time? If so, is the toy itself useful to learning or understanding social behavior, colors, time, Math, etc.? Considering a variety of factors will allow you better understand how to share your toy invention with the proper audience.


Originality is another key component to launching and marketing a new toy invention successfully. Having an original toy on the market will help to set yourself apart from others while offering an entirely new toy and product for children to enjoy, appealing to them especially if it has never been on the market before. When you create an original product, you will also have more of a chance to create a bigger "buzz" online and in various toy markets around the world. The more original your toy invention is, the more likely it is to succeed in sales and with gathering fans of the toy as well.


Although the appeal of the toy is not the biggest component to purchasing a toy, at times, it is the only factor that comes into play when someone is shopping for a new toy for their own loved ones or children. Having a toy that is appealing and up to date with design standards of toys and products allows you to appeal to a new audience who may be unfamiliar with the product's use or the toy's purpose to begin with. When you make an appealing product with modern materials, design, and colors, you can also utilize the design in other ways including your own website and social media profiles to help with increasing your brand's popularity and recognition over time.

Parents often look to shop for toys from companies and brands that are well-known and safe as well, especially when shopping for younger children, toddlers, and even babies. Getting your toy inspected, licensed, and approved can help you if you are trying to sell a toy that is targeted towards a younger age group and you want to prove that it is safe and hazard-free from choking on small parts or materials used when manufacturing the toy.

Fun Factor

Including a fun factor into your toy will help with increasing and boosting sales while appealing to children in the age group you have in mind. If your toy does not offer any fun or entertainment value, it may be under-appreciated by younger children, who often have very active minds that enjoy keeping entertained and busy at all times. Create focus test groups to help with determining the fun factor of your toy inventions before you market and sell them.

 Do you have an idea for an invention?

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