Monday, November 26, 2012

The Best Selling Swimming Inventions

When it comes to swimming, many inventions have come to light to not only save lives, but enable people to swim better and more comfortably overall. What are the best-selling swimming inventions of all time? You'd be surprised the ones that top the charts, and be inspired by these crafty and successful inventions as well. You may just have one of these inventions, yourself already. After all, swimming is a sport many people enjoy, and tools to help people swim their best have been around successfully for a very long time.

Swimming as a sport goes back thousands of years, and is a classic summertime favorite today. Imagine the success of the most popular swimming invention- the classic swimming pool. The swimming pool, by modern standards anyhow, was invented in the 1800s, and by 1837 6 indoor swimming pools, complete with diving boards (another best seller) were all the rage in London. Today, a swimming pool can be found in nearly every town across the US, bringing in a multitude of dollars yearly in entertainment. Even homes and apartment complexes boast their own swimming pools, which take several thousand dollars to install. Imagine creating a swimming invention that took the world by storm like the classic swimming pool has?

An invention need not be enormous to have a monetary impact. Can you guess what the other best-selling swimming inventions are? Look no further than one you have in your own home- the life jacket. This handy life-saving device has been around since 1854, and has greatly advanced in design and capability since its timely arrival. A necessary tool for anyone around water, the life jacket (or life preserver, as it is originally called) still reigns on store shelves today.

What about the smaller inventions? Think for a moment, and try to come up with a swimming device that makes swimming much more comfortable. Do swim goggles come to mind? Such a simple concept, which the Persians invented by using tortoise shells over their eyes in water became all the rage by the 1970s. Today, swim goggles come in a variety of styles and abilities, and are a necessity to anyone who wants to protect their eyes from salt water and stinging chlorine. You probably have several pairs of swim goggles in your own home.

Now, what are best selling swimming inventions all about if the classic floating inflatable device isn't mentioned? This classic children's water toy has been making its rounds for years, and comes in a tube that goes around the waist or on the arms of small children and toddlers. Dubbed officially the 'swimming float', this invention is perhaps the most notable of them all, and it's such a simple device! However, that's just how inventions go- sometimes the best seller is the one most easily overlooked!

 Do you have an idea for an invention?

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