Monday, October 15, 2012

Electronic Inventions of the Future

As technology advances, we have toys, games and electronic inventions that make our lives easier or more entertaining. Gadgets fascinate us, and we cannot wait to try the newest and most advanced ones as soon as it is available for consumers. Here are some electronic inventions of the future to watch out for:

Interactive Whiteboards and Beyond
Based on tablets and e-readers we have available to us right now, the next advance being announced for electronic inventions is a touch-wall for boardrooms and meetings. It is the newest version of a white board, but with cool new capabilities. In the middle of a board meeting or presentation, instead of pressing a button or cuing an assistant to flip to the next visual, you could touch various portions of the interactive touch whiteboard and bring up the next topic, visual or artwork to be displayed.

This opens up whole new possibilities for demonstrations.  Perhaps one day there will be three dimensional representations of visuals to give the audience not only a picture of what is being represented, but an interactive 3D model or hologram that they can touch as well.

More Than HDTV
Right now, we have HDTV, which is high definition television, available and is used in almost all homes. Electronic inventions for high definition televisions of the future will be a more immersive audience experience. More advanced than 3D is where the television viewer feels as if they are in the audience of an event or a movie. A television show projected into the living room without having to use the clunky glasses.

3D games and Virtual Reality
Electronic 3D video games are being announced right now at the latest video game conventions, but they are still in the prototype stages. The chance to advance past that in the next ten years will give us a virtual reality gaming system that doesn't just feel like the game is popping out of the television at you, but makes you part of the game itself. It would transport you inside the game and let you be a player. Virtual reality games are often the basis for science fiction movies, but the electronic technology is not that far off into the future.

Electronic Vehicles and Portability
Right now, the hybrid vehicles might not be considered electronics in the strictest sense, but in the next ten to twenty years, the advances in the electric vehicle will make gas-powered vehicles a thing of the past. Not only will electric vehicles become the norm, but the size and weight will make them easy to park, and they might even become as portable as a bicycle is now. There are many new electronic inventions of the future to look forward to.

Do you have an invention idea? Click here to find out how to submit your idea.

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