Monday, October 1, 2012

Inventions That Keep Lacrosse Players Safe

When playing lacrosse you cannot predict where a hit is going to come from, when a ball will strike or how tough a particular match is going to be, so wearing all the latest protective equipment is important when it comes to safety. There has been a good number of inventions that keep lacrosse players safe over the years. 

A mouth guard is one of the most important inventions that keep lacrosse players safe.  Costing only a few dollars, mouth guards are one of the least expensive inventions, and also one of the most important.  It is a very expensive and painful process to replace teeth if they are knocked out.  There are different kinds of mouth guards available, with some being simple molds of plastic while others have shock absorbers that prevent a player from biting down on their tongue or grinding their teeth. Some mouth guards also have strips that connect to the face guard of a helmet, so it won’t fall to the ground during a game.

Rib pads are necessary for keeping lacrosse players safe if they are used to taking a large number of hits or giving them out. Rib pads go around the lower section of the upper body, protecting the ribs and abdominal region. They help to ensure that a player does not break any bones or have the wind knocked out of them, which often happens if they are hit and they fall to the ground suddenly.

Another invention that keeps lacrosse players safe is helmet goggles. These are used more often in women's lacrosse than in men’s. For men’s lacrosse, the players typically wear the full helmet, while in women's lacrosse; it is just some basic headgear, visors and eye protectors. When it comes to inventions that keep lacrosse players safe, helmet goggles are very important, as they protect their eyes and head.

The goalie takes the most shots from the hard lacrosse ball, so it is important for the goalie to wear additional protective padding. Goalie pants were invented to protect the lower body by adding additional padding. Goalie pants slip on like most other lower protective pants and are similar to football pants with the padding, although more direct padding is applied around the hips. This more recent invention reduces the direct impact and reduces the overall swelling which may come as a result of playing lacrosse as the goalie. 

These inventions that keep lacrosse players safe are very important.  It can be a dangerous sport if the players do not wear proper padding and it is not recommended for them to play without them.

Do you have an invention idea? Click here to find out how to submit your idea.

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