Monday, October 29, 2012

Inventions that Teach Kids How to Play Football

If you are an aspiring inventor who enjoys coming up with new and educational ways to help young children succeed then this may be a challenge that you may want to take on. Physical activity is highly encouraged these days for our youth, even those at a very young age need to learn to be more physically active. One of the best ways to ensure that our children get the daily exercise that they need is to enroll them in some sort of sports program. Football is an exciting sport that people of all ages enjoy watching and playing. And while there are many opportunities for younger kids to get involved with sports such as little league baseball and softball, there aren’t as many choices out there for young kids who want learn more about playing football. This is where the creative minds of today’s inventors come into play.

While tee balls and plastic bats have been used for many years now to help young children get used to playing baseball and the miniature sized basketball hoops by popular children’s toy manufacturers will always be a great seller to parents of toddlers, there aren’t many sport-related toys out there that are geared toward those who would like to get their children interested in playing football at an early age. In order to come up with some great ideas on inventions that teach kids how to play football, you will need to do a little research and find out ways that you can get pre-school aged children focused on the active sport of football. You will need to have a good idea of how a two to five year old child’s mind works and how little of an attention span they can have. So your ideas will need to be fun and exciting to this age group so that the instructor would be able to hold their attention long enough to explain the details of the game.

Smaller children always want to be like their older siblings or other older kids that they know. Coming up with an invention that will allow older kids to take part in the training process would be a great way to get older children in the area or in the family involved in helping out the preschoolers with their team. You may come up with an outdoor game that is similar to the concepts of real football, but with softer equipment such as sponge balls, or using the concept of flag football so that there isn’t any tackling involved which would mean fewer injuries to worry about. Keep in mind that your main focus is to come up with an invention that will help keep kids physically active and help them to understand more about playing a game with a team. 

Do you have an invention idea? Click here to find out how to submit your idea. 

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