Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Inventions That Have Helped People Improve at Soccer

Soccer is a tough game without the proper equipment. Fortunately, there have been many inventions that have helped people improve at soccer. When one thinks about the equipment involved in this sport, one generally thinks of a soccer ball and soccer cleats. These two vital components of the game of soccer have a rich history with many changes and inventions that have helped people improve at soccer.

There have been many inventions that have helped soccer players improve their game regarding the soccer ball itself. Adding synthetic paint onto the ball in the 1930s was a significant invention because it stopped the ball from absorbing too much water which in turn made it a more reliable weight. It was easier for players to kick the ball. Soon after that, orange soccer balls were invented for players to practice with during the winter months because they could be seen in the snow. This allowed players to practice all year round. Synthetic leather soccer balls are used today. These were invented in the 1960s and were essentially just like actual leather soccer balls, except they were more consistent. They did not absorb water and they allowed for an ideal bounce and distance of the ball. This helped soccer players improve their game because it ensures that all soccer balls were similar in design. Players now knew that the balls they practiced with would be like the balls they played with during games.

Soccer cleats are the other important piece of equipment for a soccer game. Cleats were originally extremely heavy and went up past one's ankle. This made players slow and clumsy because there was no traction on the bottom of the shoes. In 1891, studs were added onto the bottom of soccer shoes which helped players gain traction and not slip during wet conditions. This was a hugely important invention. Years after that, soccer shoes were built using a light weight leather. The invention of these shoes made a difference for players in a variety of ways. First, they were able to run much faster. Second, their feel did not sweat as much so they were more comfortable on the field and better able to remain in control. Finally, shoes were made that fell below the ankle to allow players more movement when running. This invention helped soccer players maneuver more easily on the field.

The game of soccer is constantly involving and new inventions regarding soccer balls or soccer cleats are certainly a reality. Additional equipment such as gloves and apparel is evolving as well. Of the many inventions that have helped people improve at soccer, we have certainly not seen the last of them. 

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